
Roast Review: Nomad Soul Coffee
Mar 08, 2024Daniel Kennedy

Roast Review: Nomad Soul Coffee

Blog by: Sheila Murray

Nomad Soul Coffee prides itself on slow-roasting coffee from unique farmers all around the world. I found their saying, “We believe your sacred morning ritual must be as tasty and bold as your next adventure,” to be particularly aligned with Wacaco. You shouldn’t have to sacrifice good coffee when you go on epic adventures!

You can purchase Nomad Soul coffee on their website, and they also provide a mobile coffee shop for private events and festivals! Read on to learn about our experience tasting two of their roasts. 

Pacifico Mae

First impression

It’s hard not to feel immediately happy and at ease while gazing at the sunny yellow Nomad coffee bag. I eagerly ripped open the top of the bag and inhaled the smell of the freshly roasted beans.

“Wow, it smells so delicious,” I said. I took in notes of caramel and brown sugar straight away.

Kristina, a friend who was tasting with me, shook around the bag of coffee beans next, releasing their sweet aroma. She held the bag close to her nose while she smelled and considered. She noted a mocha and overall robust smell, and added that there was some fruity undertone.

I smelled the beans again and definitely sensed something fruity but I couldn’t quite put my finger on which fruit.

We decided to brew Pacifico Mae with the Pipamoka. She had never seen anything like it before and was impressed by its unique all-in-one twist and brew design: coffee brewer and to-go mug, the perfect choice for any nomadic adventure!

Tasting notes

Kristina took a long sip of her coffee, paused, sipped again, and smiled. 

“It’s so lovely and even smoother than I had expected,” she said. She added that it was bright, sweet, and fruity. 

I found it to have a smooth mouthfeel and a delicious sugary impression. Kristina had made us some banana bread, and it paired perfectly!

We agreed we could happily drink this coffee any day of the week! The smoothness from the Pipamoka brew really pulled the whole thing together well.

The reveal

In their words: “Delicate aromas of fragrant brown sugar and milk chocolate. In the mouth it is an extremely clean and defined coffee. Round structure with notes of brown sugar, defined honey sweetness and a soft tropical fruit finish.” 

We highly recommend this single origin bean for your next outdoor adventure! Next up, El Bombón!

El Bombón

First impression

I had my husband and coffee tasting assistant, James, help me with this one.

“I wonder if it’ll be more dark and full bodied than the last,” I guessed as I shook the bag of beans between my hands.


I opened the bag and was struck by the bean’s grounding and earthy impression. There were hints of chocolate and spice. The spice was bright, so I thought it could be nutmeg. In my years of tasting coffee, I’ve learned that nutmeg can often be more lemony and sweet than other spices.

 James smelled the beans next and noted that, while it could have a grounding and chocolatey profile, it also seemed bright and fruity.

We decided to use the Nanopresso for El Bombón. James heated the water and I ground the coffee and got Nanopresso ready. At the end, we had two perfectly brewed espressos that smelled absolutely amazing.

Tasting notes

We clinked our mugs together and took sips. I noticed that there was a pleasant, acidic mouthfeel. It was both bold and sweet and I tasted notes of honey, chocolate, and toffee.

James said it was bright, acidic, and sweet. He enjoyed the espresso’s full body and punch of flavor, and he shared that it seemed like the perfect espresso to start the day off right!  

This is a lovely coffee for dark roast enthusiasts but I think it could also be a crowd pleaser and would pair well with frothy milk. 

The reveal

Nomad says that this coffee has notes of toast with chocolate spread as well as roasted hazelnut. It’s a mouthwatering brew for sure and would be lovely company on a cold winter walk or beach-side adventure.

Mar 08, 2024 Daniel Kennedy